Sunday, November 2, 2014

5 Random Things

1. November

Have you already checked out the November Blog Challenge topics? Join us here:

A Blog Challenge

2. Some comfort

You might be scared because of all the bad things happening in this world. My prayer is that all who have fear and pain in their lives, could find comfort.

3. Staying at my parents' house

For the next 3 weeks I'm going to stay at my parents's house in my old hometown, because of my very last practicum. I can't wait to finally graduate. It's taken too long.

4. Do you love chocolate?

Have you noticed that the next round of the Chocolate Sisterhood opens soon? If you want to be part of it go HERE.

5. Thank you Susannah!

It's been wonderful to have Susannah as my blog mentor during October. She has helped me a lot to grow my blog! Pay this lovely lady a visit:

Simple Moments Stick


  1. I love that song Be still my Soul. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Angela, thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!

    It really is a great song :)

  3. Thank you!

    It's such a comforting song :) And Kari's voice is so pretty


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