Sunday, October 5, 2014

5 Random Things

1. This week's popular posts 

If you're a blogger, you know how interesting it is to check out your statistics! My 3 most popular posts last month were:

1. Learning To Say No
2. I love... Beautiful tableware
3. How you can make me love your blog

2. Learning to use Evernote

I read Tiffany's post Blogging on the cheap and learned that she uses Evernote. I haven't used it before (or even heard about it) but I just wanted to see what it was all about. It is so interesting! I'm still learning to use it, but so far it's been amazing.

3. Wardrobe inspiration

4. Pranksters!

I love prank videos on Youtube. This is my favorite: Epic Spray Paint Prank - On Cops!

5. My shop

Check out my online shop HERE. 

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