Saturday, January 17, 2015

2015 Dreams

Blog dreams

1. Meet new people
2. Create my own photo bank
3. Write posts that matter

Life dreams

1. Get a great job, that makes me feel my work is important
2. Travel. (I'd love to see the Northeast in USA... Cape Cod etc.)
3. Summer road trip here in Finland. I want to see Hanko and Fiskars. 
4. I have a baby fever...
5. I volunteer in our church's teen ministry. I want to see more how God can change lives. 

What do you dream about this year? Leave your link below. Also, check out other topics of this month's Blog Challenge.


  1. I dreaming about finishing my middle grade book. I couldn't post on your latest post but take pictures. It is so fun. I can't wait to see.

  2. "Write posts that matter" this one has been laying heavy on my heart. I hope I find the grace to pursue it as it can be quite intimidating :/

  3. I know! It takes courage. Let's try, though!


I would love the read your comment, idea, suggestion...