Monday, March 10, 2014

Why Blogging Is Stupid

I noticed that writing about stuff that matters to me doesn't necessary interest people: no new readers/followers.

Writing about stuff that is shallow and/or is on every other blog: more readers/followers.

People like to read stuff that doesn't take much time... So I write short meaningless posts. This makes me think that I'm not proud of my blog. I start writing about stuff I think is important. NO READERS... 

How should I solve this problem? Maybe short AND meaningful posts... 

I have tons of ideas what i'd love to do on my blog. Ideas about the design etc. Unfortunately I can't make them happen, because I'm not a professional graphic designer. I just don't have the skills. Frustrating. 

I'm not going to lie, without this blog my master's thesis would probably be ready. If you want to have a pretty blog... a blog that you are proud of... or if you want to achieve your "blogging goals", you have to remember: it. takes. time.

Sometimes my blog is not good for me. I worry about it. I constantly think about statistics, topics... Then I have to take a step back and remind myself why I blog. I also want to remind you, my fellow blogger, don't live your life through your blog.

My lovely sponsor, Harlynn from Mind Your Madness has written a similar post about: 

5 things I can't stand about the blogging environment

I also asked her opinion: why she hates blogging. Her answer:

I want to end this post with positive words: I love blogging and reading blogs! 

I would also love to hear your thoughts!


  1. On a positive note, I also love reading blogs and blogging! Just...there's the "ghetto" of the blogging environment we could all do without. Hehe.

  2. I know exactly what you mean... :(

  3. you have to promote girl. and read other bloggers blog and leave your link and ask them to follow you back if you follow them. it's not that hard but takes time. Just promote. Facebook, email, google plus, twitter even instagram. I've started over with followers and I've almost hit my 100. maybe by the end of the mth.

  4. But that's the thing, I don't want to follow bloggers just to get them to follow me. I usually don't leave a link to my blog if I comment, because I don't like it when people do that on my blog. It's like we only read other blogs to get them to read us.

    But you've done good job growing your blog!

  5. If I read someone great I follow them and would love them to follow me back. I dont follow folks just so they will follow me back. I follow them b/c their blog rocks. Yea I've had to grow my blog a lot. when i first started really blogging, i had 13 blogger following me. with in months I was at 300 or more. it was awesome.

  6. And I like the way you do it. You ask bloggers to tell their opinions and that's a very nice. But as Harlynn wrote, that's not what always the case :)

  7. Write what is meaningful to you and find people who share your interest! I promise it works! Write for the fun, not the followers! What is the point of having followers who won'tenjoy your work?!?!

  8. Wise words! I'll definitely check out your blog :)

  9. Hirrrveän hyvä kirjoitus!!:) Jostain syystä mulla ne luetuimmat jutut on juuri niitä, jotka tuntuvat kumpuavan jostain syvältä. ne vaativat ulospääsyä.:) Mulle on mysteeri, mistä ihmiset päätyvät lukemaan niitä postauksia, joita lukevat. Joskus kyselinkin, että onko se otsikko vai mikä...? Pakko tietenkin sanoa, että sun kuukaudenhaasteet on kaikki erittäin(siis omalla mittarillani) luettuja mun blogissa! Kiitos!:)

  10. Oi kun ihana kuulla, että haasteet on tuonut lisää lukiojoit! Itsekin mietin, että miten ihmeessä jotkut päätyvät blogiini :)

  11. Sanna /Männikön kuulumisiaJune 29, 2015 at 6:07 PM

    I write because it`s fun. But I am thinking all the same things as woud be nice to have more readers, but I don`t have enough time to do something about it.


I would love the read your comment, idea, suggestion...