Monday, August 24, 2015

A Weekend Full Of Drama

This weekend was full of (dog) drama. I visited my sister with my parents and my dog, Tilli. She lives in Savonlinna which is a beautiful small town in Eastern Finland. It's famous for its annual international opera festival. 

It was a lovely weekend, but my dog managed to add some drama into it. First she got really bad symptoms from her tick collar. She was bleeding and her neck was really soar. 

Then she ate a corn cob. Corn cobs can be very dangerous for dogs. Luckily she chewed it before swallowing. There haven't been any signs of obstruction so far. I really hope she'll be ok.

Her tick collar and corn cob are not the only things that caused drama. My Tilli loves to swim and, because Savonlinna is surrounded by the largest lake in Finland, she had lots of opportunities to do that. Now she has a painful swimmers' tail. Poor girl! 

So lots of dog drama. But Savonlinna region was stunning.

Did you have a fun weekend?

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