Friday, May 9, 2014

My Lovely Sponsor

This lovely lady is Ashley from A Faithful Passion. She blogs about faith, lifestyle, books and more! 

"I'm just a young woman living my life according to God's plan as faithfully and passionately as possible." 

You should definitely check out her blog, because it's a perfect mixture of faith and lifestyle. Here's what Ashley would like you to know about her blog:

"I show how a young woman in a mixed up, crazy world can still enjoy life while believing and following God. So if you're interested in reading about my faith in God plus advice, various lifestyle posts including book reviews, food, and more come on by!"

Here's a great post from her: 10 Things I Would Tell My, 18 Year Old, Self


  1. Thanks so much! I love it a lot! :-)

  2. Oh yay! I love having you as my sponsor! Your blog is great!

  3. Isn't Ashley the sweetest?

  4. New follower

    Love meeting new people

    Kelly's Journey

  5. Thank you so much for following! I hope you'll check out my Blog Challenge and join us!


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