Friday, September 4, 2015

5 On Friday

1. Liz Lemon

I've been sick almost a week. I'm better now, but I had a high fever plus other annoying symptoms. I ended up watching 2 seasons of 30 Rock in my bed. I love love love Liz Lemon and Kenneth!

2. Lists lists lists

You know I got a job and blah blah. Now I'm making lists of things I need to pack with me, buy for my apartment (which I still don't have) and things I need to remember to do.

3. Minutes

There's a song that's really been on my mind this week. It's Minutes by Praise Unit (you can check it out on Spotify). 

"What you do with your life this minute, can change your life forever."

4. Remember to link up!

Next Tuesday remember to link up your craft projects etc. to Awesome Things Tuesday! Such a fun link up!

Last week I shared my Cheese Delights and Small Magazine Bowl Project there there and found lots of new interesting projects!

5. Twitter

Wanna make me really happy? Follow me on Twitter.