Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Preparing myself for a new job

If you've been reading my blog this month, you know I got a job. I'm not going to lie; I'm a bit nervous, because I know there'll be lots of challenges and moments when I'm going to feel helpless and unsure about my skills. 

I know, that every time you start a new job there's so much to learn and you might feel overwhelmed. But my new job will be VERY challenging. I constantly need to outperform myself. 

Because of all this, I've been preparing myself mentally and spiritually. 

Spiritual preparation

I believe that my Heavenly Father is with me always. He is with me when I feel extremely confident and when I'm overwhelmed and ready to quit. Philippians 4:13 has been on my mind lately. I'm going to rely on it when self-doubt fills my mind. 

I can do this, because He gives me strength.

Mental preparation

I don't have to worry about being perfect. The people who hired me, know this is new to me. They don't expect me to know EVERYTHING. What they do expect is that I'll to do my best. My best is enough. And my best will become better and better over time.

I don't have to try to survive on my own. I can ask questions and there are no stupid ones. There are people who have experience and they are willing to help and share their thoughts and ideas. 

I have to remember to relax. I need rest to reach my best.

How have you prepared yourself for a new job? 

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