Monday, July 23, 2012

24/7 part 1

This week is all about remembering the most wonderful day of my life and that days was 24th July 2010. That's the day when I said "I do" to love of my life. I'm going to share some memories and thoughts about the journey so far with you. 

First: The wedding day (which was seriously the only cloudy and rainy day that summer. But it was still perfect! And no rain, while we were outside)

We took our wedding portraits at the old Verla Mill Museum (which is included in the UNESCO heritage list). The setting was beautiful and it was lovely to share it with our closest friends. 

Most likely the coolest bridal party ever:


  1. Taina K/ Mansikkatilan maillaApril 25, 2015 at 9:58 PM

    Oi, mitkä kuvat!<3 Ja Verla on ihan mielettömän hieno paikka!<3

  2. Verla on ihana! Olisin halunnut ottaa kuvia tehtaan sisälläkin, mutta siellä ei valitettavasti saa kuvata. Näissä kuvissa ei tosin näy oikein rakennuksia.


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